So I de-activated my social network/site thingy-majingy so I won't be able to stalk him anymore..well, ok lets just use the word 'see' instead of 'stalk'..well to SEE how he's's been 4 days now I believe and I still miss him so much, his annoyingly beautiful face still pops in and out of my thoughts every now and then .... maybe every 10 mins or so but hey at least it's not every 2 freakin' minutes anymore--
So technically I'm making progress sloooooowwwwwlyyy but I am moving so all good =D kinda proud of myself actually *thumbs up* hm no * 2 thumbs up * YAY =)
K well I think I shall carry on with my uni assignments and stay loyal to my Ugly Betty dvds..until my mind goes back to La-la land..
I like that place
xOxO Peace Out Love BugZ xOxO
~* Try to forgive people, that will somehow make everything a bit easier *~